Let's Get Personal

Well no. The title wasn't serious. As my about says next to my new blog posts, I love horses and music. The trouble is balancing those because they are both very time-consuming activities. Oh then I have school, so that too. Which one is my favorite? I haven't figured that one out yet--I know school isn't my favorite-- I don't really have a priority between those two. Someone recently asked me what my priority was; horseback riding or music? I said both. They told me they didn't understand. Then I asked them, "Food or sleep?" She said she needed both and I said exactly. And my interesting life stories are over.

Oh by the way, check out The Oatmeal if you haven't already. I love this website; normal teenagers spend their internet time on Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, etc, but nope, not me! I spend my (nearly non-existent) extra time reading comics off a site named after a breakfast cereal. Well it's hilarious, so I hope it gives you a laugh (or a cackle).

Well, that's me. If you read more, you will find more about me.  Ciao!

(I'm very skilled in many languages.... We'll pretend that's true.)

Your Lovely,

Gambit and I

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