Friday, October 25, 2013

I Can Breathe through Squeaky Reeds

 I didn't end up jumping out of a window before the concert, no car crashes, I actually survived the concert. But barely. You know how for a saxophone, clarinet, or some instrument like that, there are these reeds that you put on the mouthpiece so that when you blow into it, it makes a sound. Well when those reeds break or are dry, they squeak. And guess what happened when my part was featured and when I had a solo? My reed dried out. So "SQUUUEEEEEAAAAKKKKK" was a common sound heard during that song. After my reed failed in me and I was totally humiliated, there was still applause as to say, "Ladies and gentlemen, Song for My Father featuring Pauline and the squeaky, uncooperative reed!"

"Yes, thank you, because I'm not already embarrassed enough without the pity clap..."

Well it wasn't that bad, I worked through it, and I did have some pretty good note choices. I just had some major technical difficulties... But afterwards we went to Cold Stone and got ice creams and smoothies. The best part is, like half of the jazz band was there. It was like an after party! While the poor ladies wanted to close up shop, all of us band geeks were talking together.

And the best part of this is?! I got to go to the barn today! And let me tell you, that helped me so much. Funny how spending time with four-legged creatures that weigh ten times as much as you helps. That is my definition of therapy.

But guess what? It's almost Halloween! My (wait a moment.... first, second, third, oh I got it!) fourth favorite holiday of the year! Well I will go more elaborately into this in a later blog post! See you around!

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