What's worse than sitting through bio class, listening to your teacher drone on about stuff, repeat the unnecessary things, miss the useful information, sharing looks of pure misery with your class mates, and waiting for the clock to reach 9:03? Missing bio class. Let me tell you, it's not just biology. Every class is hard to make up, but especially biology, because who wants to come in after school to make up a lab assignment all by themselves with your teacher telling you it's on canvas? NO ONE. And this is exactly what I am going to have to do. I have been sick for three weeks in a row, and not just a wimpy little cold. Like full on asthma, huge cough attacks, sinus infections, and toilet hugging. That has been my hobby the last three weeks. Delightful, huh?
I've been in and out of school like every two days, and this was the last day of school before the break. And hey, I get to worry about making up class all over my four day weekend. Oh and being sick and missing even more horseback riding lessons. So this weekend that I have been desperately needing and looking forward to, I will be getting to know my toilet. I love this.
Well, even how awful this was, I got to sleep in until 10:30 this morning. That never happens. Normally I'm up, rushing around, throwing on makeup, shoveling food into my mouth, accidentally swallowing toothpaste, grabbing my backpack and three instruments, and rushing out the door, sprinting back in, grabbing my phone, and darting out the door again once 5:30 am starts. Now that I've had a relaxing morning (well as relaxing as nausea lets you get), I have now gone through three episodes of
Sherlock, cleaned my room, painted my nails (which did not make my stomach feel any better--tip, never paint your nails when you are sick), and updated my blog.
Sherlock and blue nail polish |
One would think that you could be able to sleep when you are sick, but I'm not that type of person (which is probably why I am still sick after three weeks). Thanks to this thing known as an internal clock and this other thing called school, there's no such thing as, "Hey! You're sick, so take a day off and get better!" It's more like, "Hey, you're sick, and I don't care, you have three excused absences a quarter!" For all us overachievers out there, this means, "Hey! You're sick, but since all three of those absences are used up, how about you come back to school and don't get better and get the rest of our beloved children sick! Yaayyy!!" But hey, my nails are blue, my room is clean, my mind is full of very happy images (thanks a lot Sherlock), and I get a five day weekend!
Oh, where are you John, I've missed you.
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